Originally Posted by actionjack
Class name: Alchemist
Energy: Similar to that of Mesmer, 25-35 energy range.
Armor: On par with that of caster class, around 50-60 AL range.
Weapons: Alchemist use a weapon call Rods. Its two hand, similar to a staff, but with differnt ends. Two differnt type, a Power Rod (range magic attack) and Arm Rod (melee phsical attack). Power Rod have weaker elemental damage, but will have higher + on energy (link to Energy and Alchemistry attribute), while Arm Rod come in differnt physical damage type (slash, blunt, etc) and damage similar to that of axe and speed of hammer (link to Metalogy attribute).
Premise: Alschemist is more of a support/preperation class. It has lots skills for healing/boosting self or allie, as well as increasing offensive power and condition effects. However, they do need to be prepare up first before going into any combate in order to be use efficiently. Also can use Golems for attacking.
Container (primary)
Effect the use of Potion skills. For every rank in attribute, will gain 1 more bottle count and increaes in thowing range of potion skills. (at 12 attribute, rank of 3)
Metalology Transmuation - "Metals become puddies in you hand, allow you to reshape them as you wish"
Skills that change the property of damage type for offensive or defensive purpose.
Energy Transmuation - " Energy, like water, is but from one form to another"
Skills that converting between different form of energy, for managing and disrupting energy/magic usage.
AlChemistry Transmuation - " One can gain much from mixing and combining differnt elements"
Skills that dominate the use of potions, for boosting and attacking purpose.
Life Transmuation - " The gift of life is our greatest creation"
Skills that heal or creating Golem.
Special Concept:
Potion/Flask will work like this. It is a skill. On use, it will create a "potion" on the potion quote line. You can use the potion any time (another seperate icon), and will be instant use if on self, and about 1 second "throwing time" if use on other. Each skill there is a Bottle Count (also link to Container Primary), which describle how many bottles you can make for that skill to put on quote. Once use up, the count resets. the Potion Quote Line will display on top of you skill bar, of the potion you had prepare. Now, not sure if want to add this catch or not, but could also make where you can not change the order of the quote line up, thus you must use it as the order you set up before. This will add on more strategy to your over all potion making. (but if it is too complex, could also not do it) Each potions on the quote will last for about 5 min before unable to use and disappear from the quote.
Golems is alot like a mixing of Pet and Minion. They are created from nothing, however will need an upkeep to keep them alive. There can be only one Golem created per each skill, and since there 3 golem skills, the max you can have would be 3 Golems at one time. The Body Golem will have an upkeep of 2 hp pipe, The Mind Golem will have an upkeep of 1 energy pipe, and Arm Golem will have an upkeep of reduce 10 AL from the caster. Some Golem can be mix with differnt potion/flask skills. Thus if you thorw a Flame Flask into one of your Golem, it will start doing Fire damage. If your Golem dies, you will suffer a bit of whiplash as well. If caster dies, all of his/her Golem will die too.
Skill Examples (the skill names could better, but it is right now chosen more for simplicty and easier undstanding. Skills here only act as an example, to get a taste of its possiblities. More can be created with changing of differnt varibles and similarity)
Metalogy Transmuation
Slash Fagiality :
10e | 1c | 30r : Target's Armor become X AL weaker to Slash damage for T seconds.
Slash Defense:
10e | 1c | 30r : Allie/Self's Armor become X AL stronger to Slash damage for T seconds.
Slash Reconstruct:
10e | 1c | 30r : Target/Self/Allie's physical damage becomes Slash type for T seconds.
Aura of Shapness:
15e | 2c | 60r : For T seconds, your physical damage attack gain extra X damage of Slash attacks.
Quicksliver Sword:
5e | 1/4c | 30r : You create a sword from ground that strike your target. Target recive X Slash damage.
Energy Transmuation
Kinetic Conversion:
10e | 2c | 60r : For T seconds, you gain X energy back for every Y% of damage you suffer.
Energy Chage:
20e | 1c | 60r : Overflow your opponent with excess energy. Your target gain X energy, but also suffer Y damage.
Cool Down:
20e | 2c | 60r : Target/Self lose all Adrenaline. For ever fully charged ready Adrenalin skill lost, you/target gain Y energy back.
Life Energy:
20e | 1c | 60r : For T seconds, you get X pipe of health degen, but gain Y pipe of energy regen.
Fair Trade:
10e | 2c | 45r : Target/Allie lost Y energy, but gain X health.
Double Charge:
10e | 2c | 45r : In T seconds, Target/Allie/Self's next spell cost X% more to cost, but recharge twice as fast.
Energy Battery:
10e | 3c | 20r | 2 bottle : Creat a energy battery on quote. On use, Self/Allie will gain 5 energy.
AlChemistry Transmuation
Acid Flask:
15e | 3c | 30r | 1 bottle : Creat a acid flask on quote. On use, Target and all near by will suffer hp degen of X and reduce in Y AL for T seconds.
Tar Flask:
10e | 3c | 30r | 1 bottle : Creat a tar flask on quote. On use, Target will move X% slower for T seconds, and also suffer Y more damge if recive fire attack.
Oil Flask:
10e | 3c | 30r | 1 bottle : Creat a oil flask on quote. On use, Target have X% chance of Know down when move in T seconds, and also suffer Y more damge if recive fire attack.
Burning Flask:
10e | 3c | 30r | 1 bottle : Creat a burning flask on quote. On use, Target will be on flame for T seconds.
Posion Fume Flask:
15e | 5c | 30r | 1 bottle : Creat a Posion Fume Flask on quote. On use, Target and all near by will suffer Posion for T seconds.
Strengthen Potion:
10e | 5c | 30r | 1 bottle : Creat a Posion Fume Flask on quote. On use, Self/Allie will increase in attack rate by 33% for T seconds.
Life Transmuation
Small Health Potion:
10e | 3c | 5r | 3 bottle : Creat a health potion on quote. On use, will heal Self/Allie for X hp.
Large Health Potion:
10e | 3c | 30r | 1 bottle : Creat a health potion on quote. On use, will heal Self/Allie for X hp.
Create Body Golem:
20e | 5c | 60r | : Create a level X Body Golem. (melee attack) If die, caster will suffer X hp damage.
Create Mind Golem:
20e | 5c | 60r | : Create a level X Mind Golem. (range attack) If die, caster 2x the cast speed for all speeds for 5 seconds.
Create Arm Golem:
20e | 5c | 60r | : Create a level X Arm Golem. (melee, faster, but less armor) If die, caster will move 33% slower for 5 seconds.
Command Self Explode:
5e | 1c | 30r | : Explode one of you Golem, causing X damage to all nearby target.
Berserk Command:
5e | 1c | 30r | : Increase the attack power of your Golem by X, but also make that Golem self destory in next T seconds.
Wall Command:
5e | 1c | 30r | : Increase the AL of your Golem by X, but also make that Golem self destory in next T seconds.
Backgrond Story: (sorry, I am not good at writing fan story, but here is what I had in concept)
Alchemist is orignally from a ancient technologically advance civilization. There in their capital city of Athelantica, people pratice all form of Alechemistry. Its said that they have even master over the creation of life it self. However, in their vain to create a god, they doomed themself. Their proud city was sunk under the sea. There are only few who survie, and with them, they pass down their knowledge in secretive accademy in the _____ (new region).
I think this is a pretty balance concept. Depend on your build, you can easily make a Melee Offensive Heavy War/Alc with metalogy to boost attack and potions to heal, or a supportive Alc/Monk that use energy transmuation and alchemistry to help your allie, or an AOE happy, flask throwing built of Alc/Elm, to even a Minion Master of Ncro/Alc of Golems and Minion. Lots possiblities. The numbers are of course still need further refinement, but if anyone sees any fundemental flaw with it, please let me know for futher improvment. Also it is much as inspired by Elzevir of Indira's orignal post of his alchemist concept class. Maybe I will do some concept art for them too later. Thx you for reading, feed back welcome.